Facial Cupping and Gua Sha

I offer Facial Cupping and Gua Sha as part of a Facial Rejuvenation treatment or as a stand alone treatment of 30 minutes.

Facial Cupping

It is entirely painless and will not irritate the skin; it can be used on rosacea, melasma and on sensitive skin. Patients describe feeling very relaxed after the treatment.

Cupping has been used for thousands of years in the Chinese medical tradition for asthma, fever, TMJ, pain, sinus congestion plus more. Facial cupping has the ability to transform your skin. By using cups on the face, it increases circulation to the face which means more nutrients are drawn to the surface and it enhances the absorption of lotions or serums. Facial cupping also increases blood flow which can help drain fluid build-up and reduce puffiness. Facial cupping can restore a youthful glow.

Facial cups are designed specifically for the face. After applying an oil to the face, I glide the cups on the face and down the neck to drain lymphatic fluids.

This treatment will bring collagen to the surface of the skin, reduce puffiness and dark circles, diminish wrinkles, drain nasal fluid sinuses and the lymphatic system.

Facial Gua Sha

Facial Gua Sha is a technique in which specially crafted hand held pieces of smooth jade are used to invigorate the skin, smooth out wrinkles and increase blood supply.The increased blood circulation, which occurs during Gua Sha, helps to detoxify the face and move stagnant blood and reduce inflammation, which can occur under the eyes. By providing increased blood flow to the face, the skin is better nourished and looks healthier. Facial Gua Sha can be used to treat a variety of skin conditions such as Acne, Rosacea, Melasma and dark circles.

Facial Gua Sha is used as part of a comprehensive acupuncture facial rejuvenation program for wrinkles, sagging and puffiness. Facial Gua Sha can address areas such as the neck and jowls, which are prone to sagginess.

An important benefit of Gua Sha is the improvement in overall health. The acupuncture points on the face are massaged with the Gua Sha tool, which in turn benefits the internal organs. The better your liver and kidney are working, the healthier your skin will appear.

A gentle massaging technique is used for deep lines, such as those between the eyebrows and on the forehead. This procedure relaxes the muscles, increases blood flow and rejuvenates the skin. The more relaxed the muscles are, the more relaxed you feel. Much in the same way that smiling causes you to feel happier, having a tensely furrowed brow can elicit, worry, pensiveness and anger.